Watch Out For Advantage Slots Players At Your Local Casino
Published on August 3rd, 2024 3:17 pm EST
They aren't playing any slots and they seem to be constantly looking around - what are they doing?
The answer: they are likely advantage slot players, and they are looking to take advantage of unsuspecting casino patrons.
Here is the basic gist of it - if a casual slots player is plugging away at a certain type of slot machine, they might not realize that there are certain times when the machine is advantaged for the player. Meaning, their next number of spins are probably EV+.
Now, maybe this casual player runs out of money and decides to leave at this point. Maybe they don't understand how the machine works, and they don't understand that leaving now is leaving money on the table.
Or, more nefariously, maybe one of these advantage players walks up to them and chats them up, and convinces them to leave the machine at a time when the player has the advantage, and then the advantage player takes over.
This happens quite regularly on machines where players can temporarily have the advantage. Advantage players will lie in wait, hoping that a casual player leaves the machine at the wrong time.
If you are at your local casino and see a bunch of people hovering around a block of machines, you can be pretty sure that these are machines where players will temporarily have an advantage.
Advice: read up on how these machines work beforehand, and don't leave when you have the advantage.
Especially don't let somebody talk you into leaving the money, as they are almost certainly doing so for their own benefit.
Advantage players are frowned upon by casinos, and some will even go so far as banning them.